

Amigos Isla del Coco Foundation (FAICO)

The Amigos de la Isla del Coco Foundation (FAICO), created in 1994 under the laws of the Republic of Costa Rica, is an independent, proactive, non-profit, apolitical and multisectoral organization, committed to the management, protection and conservation of long term of the Isla del Coco National Park, Natural Patrimony of Humanity (UNESCO 1997) and Wetland of International Importance (RAMSAR 1998).

The Friends of the Coco Island Foundation works in coordination with the Government of Costa Rica, and through authorities such as the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunications, and through a formal agreement with the National System of Conservation Areas and the Area of Marine Conservation Isla del Coco, and hand in hand with the efforts of other environmental sector organizations to benefit the National Park.


To lead national and international management of resources for the conservation of Isla del Coco National Park.


To collect and manage resources with transparency and effectiveness for the conservation of Isla del Coco National Park.


To lead national and international management of resources for the conservation of Isla del Coco National Park.


To collect and manage resources with transparency and effectiveness for the conservation of Isla del Coco National Park.


To promote the conservation and responsible use of marine resources, particularly sharks, through the integrated development of marine education and scientific research projects, especially in national coastal communities. In our effort, we hope to remain firm and faithful to our ideals, always respecting environmental and human well-being.


To promote the conservation of sharks and other marine species by focusing their efforts on the following lines of action: – Marine education, marine research and political and social impact.

Misión Tiburón

Misión Tiburón is a multidisciplinary organization formed by young professionals committed to the conservation of marine life, especially sharks. The promoters of this group, Ilena Zanella and Andrés López, are marine biologists who during the last years have worked in marine education and scientific research projects with sharks, rays and turtles. During these years, they have acquired the experience and technical knowledge to lead new marine conservation projects.


To promote the conservation and responsible use of marine resources, particularly sharks, through the integrated development of marine education and scientific research projects, especially in national coastal communities. In our effort, we hope to remain firm and faithful to our ideals, always respecting environmental and human well-being.


To promote the conservation of sharks and other marine species by focusing their efforts on the following lines of action: – Marine education, marine research and political and social impact.


The Volunteer program is responsible for the recruitment of applications, analysis and selection of the people who will enter as volunteers to Isla del Coco, where aspects such as personality, police record, abilities and aptitudes are evaluated.

The volunteering program is temporarily closed until further notice.</strong

Steps to volunteer

The first step to volunteering in the PNIC is to complete the Volunteering Form.
Download PDF volunteer form.

Attach to the form:

  • Photocopy of the card
  • Two passport photos
  • General medical opinion.
  • Crime sheet
Deliver the complete form along with the requested requirements, in our offices - Monday to Friday from 8am to 3pm.
Our address

After the selection you are requested:

  • Basic policy of individual risks.
  • Crime sheet.
  • Acquire uniform.


One way to support Coco Island is simply by visiting it and sharing its beauty with acquaintances.

Access to the Isla de Coco National Park can be done in three different ways:

If it is selected through the volunteer program.
If you have your own boat and your income is authorized prior to an analysis.
As a tourist buying your tour in any of the companies that provide tourism service to Isla del Coco National Park.


Within the program of Strengthening the institutional management of the area requires the participation of various institutions that come to collaborate in different fields of action and work in order to improve the operability and working conditions of the area, this is where the different agreements enter with public institutions, nongovernmental organizations and others to fulfill the conservation objectives of the Isla del Coco National Park.
